Monday, June 6, 2011

Things have changed

As always, in any Life, things change.  And while not all changes are wanted or even welcomed, they happen and life goes on.  I will say that I have learned a lot of important lessons as a result of all the changes I have survived, 
I've learned that:
"Rejection is G-d's Protection"
      "That when one door closes another door opens"
              "That this too, shall pass"
                      "That the truth shall set you free" and "the truth will surface itself".

  • I've learned to hold my head up high, and let my shadows cast behind me. 
  • I've learned That I can only safely walk in the direction I am facing, so I face forward. 
  • I've learned to not fear the wrath of others, as my faith keeps me in the limelight. 

So, what things have changed, you maybe be wondering...  As of this time, I am no longer associated with the "CWS" Classic with Style Modeling agency. 



  1. Things have changed for me too ,because you helped and teached me to be better in modelling and these tricks , steps and teachings have helped me so much :)

    Thank you so much! <33

  2. Nice! Well I am glad to have helped you!! And I look forward to working with you again. ♥
