Monday, June 13, 2011

June 25th fashion show

Hi, I went on a casting today for H&S fashions and was one of the models chosen for that show.  I knew I was right on, and stood there with confidence as I watched some of the other models linger and hesitate waiting for their name to be called.  What a difference from the first casting call I ever went on.  Makes me very happy that I sought the training that I had and endured what I needed too to be successful.  But I do know the trek is far from over... so I will continue to practice, work on poses, practice, attend workshops... and did I mention, practice?!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Things have changed

As always, in any Life, things change.  And while not all changes are wanted or even welcomed, they happen and life goes on.  I will say that I have learned a lot of important lessons as a result of all the changes I have survived, 
I've learned that:
"Rejection is G-d's Protection"
      "That when one door closes another door opens"
              "That this too, shall pass"
                      "That the truth shall set you free" and "the truth will surface itself".

  • I've learned to hold my head up high, and let my shadows cast behind me. 
  • I've learned That I can only safely walk in the direction I am facing, so I face forward. 
  • I've learned to not fear the wrath of others, as my faith keeps me in the limelight. 

So, what things have changed, you maybe be wondering...  As of this time, I am no longer associated with the "CWS" Classic with Style Modeling agency. 
