Monday, January 17, 2011


1/17/11 Today's Styling event was a slumber party!!  And I thought everyone would be there in lingerie... so I contemplated going in cutesy pajamas that I sexed up.  But my RL said it would be better to go in something a model would wear, and so I did.  I made sure I put a bathrobe with it, just to dress it up, and purchased matching slippers with a little fur on them.  The slippers came with a script which I turned off....but as it turns out the script still competed with my walk AO and my runway walk didn't work.  But I have to say, it turned out to be good luck, because otherwise my hands would have gone through the robe unrealistically.  Turns out, no one else was in a lingerie or a negligee... and the Judge liked my mature look!  I WON FIRST PLACE!!  TROPHY and all!!  OMGosh......... it was so excellent.  So much fun.  Congrats to the other girls who placed 2nd and third, tonight!!  And to everyone else in the event...... the more the merrier!   Suki

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