Saturday, January 29, 2011


WOOOOOOOHOOOOO  How amazing!! How wonderful!!  What an awesome team, what an awesome class!!  My heart goes out to those of us who did not make it to graduation...... and just know that if you want to try again, I'm sure any one of us will be there for you :-) 
                 As for the new class, by all means, add me and blog with me...  You'll have fun!!


Style and Addict by Evenementia: Hunt @ Euphoria / Chasse @ Euphoria

Style and Addict by Evenementia: Hunt @ Euphoria / Chasse @ Euphoria: "(en) The EUPHORIA Hunt is started! Come find the hidden treasure. Many shops participate.*Hint* You are looking for the letter E !Happy Hunt..."

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Classic with Style - Simply The Best !: ~~ Our Event Schedule ----Jan 2011 ~~

Classic with Style - Simply The Best !: ~~ Our Event Schedule ----Jan 2011 ~~: "Too Daily Event Stage Welcome Everyone to Classic W/ Style - The HOTTEST C..."

Monday, January 17, 2011


1/17/11 Today's Styling event was a slumber party!!  And I thought everyone would be there in lingerie... so I contemplated going in cutesy pajamas that I sexed up.  But my RL said it would be better to go in something a model would wear, and so I did.  I made sure I put a bathrobe with it, just to dress it up, and purchased matching slippers with a little fur on them.  The slippers came with a script which I turned off....but as it turns out the script still competed with my walk AO and my runway walk didn't work.  But I have to say, it turned out to be good luck, because otherwise my hands would have gone through the robe unrealistically.  Turns out, no one else was in a lingerie or a negligee... and the Judge liked my mature look!  I WON FIRST PLACE!!  TROPHY and all!!  OMGosh......... it was so excellent.  So much fun.  Congrats to the other girls who placed 2nd and third, tonight!!  And to everyone else in the event...... the more the merrier!   Suki

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Entering contests

Tonight we had a styling contest.  It was called "Egyptian" and that meant that our outfits had to be of that era.  We had to write up a description card, know the formation, and have poses ready.  I didn't pick out my outfit till yesterday.  I don't know why I expect to win, I don't prepare for these contests till the last minute.  It's like I don't know what to do till push comes to shove, then I figure it out.  Whenever I am presented with a task I immediately get overwhelmed by it.  So I put aside.  Then something triggers a memory and I try to play catch up to get ready to do the task. I really want to be better at this.

Other Modeling blogs

Monday, January 10, 2011

Blog Class Jan 2011

We learned how to set up a blog today.  I had already set up two other blogs, but I still needed Taby's guidance.